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It is a neuro degenerative disorder. The decreased production of dopamine by the brain cells lead to symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, a change in gait, slowness in activity and balance impairment. Ayurveda classifies it under vata roga and calls these set of symptoms as Kampa vata. Therapies like Virechana, Shirodhara, Basti help in normalising the vitiated vata and reducing the symptoms. Internal medicines are given for a longer period with the intension of reducing the tremors, stiffness, depression and improving the memory and cognitive functions.

Arthritis is the inflammation in the joints. It generally affects the weight bearing joints. There are several types of arthritis like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gouty arthritis, Viral arthritis, Psoratic arthritis etc. The diagnosis is made depending on the nature of pain, the joints affected and with the help of diagnostic tools like blood tests and x-ray. Therapies like abhyangam, Valuka swedam, churna swedam, Virechana, Basti help in relieving the stiffness and improve the flexibility of the joint and reduce the pain. Internal medications are advised with an intention of normalising the blood irregularities, and bring down the inflammation. Along with the therapies, lifestyle advises and basic yoga poses are taught to bring back the full range of motion to the individual.

Male and female infertility is on the rise in the present times. Male infertility is generally caused by poor quality of the sperm in conditions like oligospermia, lowered motility, and functional disorders like Erectiledysfunction. Pre existing health conditions like Diabetes also lower the fertility rates in men. Lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle, can also cause infertility in men. Ayurvedic therapies like Virechana, Matra Basti help in improving the functioning of the reproductive organs. Internal medications help in improving the quality of the seminal fluid and the blood flow to the organs.
Female infertility is caused by various factors like PCOD, Tubal blockage, Endometriosis, Thin endometrium etc. The cause of Infertility is treated by therapies like Virechana, Vamana, Lekhana basti, Yoni Pichu. Internal medications help in regularising the irregular cycles, improving the endometrial thickness and other related conditions.

Thyroid disorders
The thyroid gland is one of the main glands controlling the metabolic functions of the body. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland leads to a bunch of thyroid disorders like Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, etc. A sedentary lifestyle, irregular food habits, stress, and sometimes genetic factors are the cause for thyroid disorders. It causes either drastic increase or decrease in weight, skin issues, mood irritability, hairfall etc. Panchakarma therapies improve the metabolic functions in the body and therapies like udwartana help in removing the increased kapha and medas. Internal medications work on regulating the functions of the thyroid gland.


Digestive Disorders

Hairfall/ Dandruff/ Graying

Oily skin/ pimples
Respiratory Disorders


Kidney Stones

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