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Ashwagandhadi Churnam:
lack of strength, indigestion, abdominal colic, debility, tiredness, fatigue, etc.
Avipattikara Churnam:
Gastritis, constipation, indigestion, difficulty in urination.
Dadimashtaka Churnam:
Indigestion, malabsorption syndrome and diarrhoea, respiratory conditions like cough.
Hingwashtaka Churnam:
Anorexia, indigestion, bloating, joint diseases, etc.
Jatamayadi Churnam:
Helps to relieve burning sensation, pain and oedema
Kolakulattadi Churnam:
Helps in pain and inflammation, in cases of paralysis, facial paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis, Joint Pains, Back Ache, shoulder pains, sciatica, lumbago, muscular sprain and inflammation etc.
Kottamchukadi Churnam:
Helps to relieve swelling and pain in joints, as in Arthitis.
Pushyanuga Churnam:
Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Menstrual disorder, Excessive menstrual bleeding of various aetiology. It is also used in treating uterine infections and Haemorrhoids.
Sitopaladi Churnam:
Respiratory diseases, cough, burning sensation in palms and feet, low digestion power, loss of sensation in tongue, pain in abdomen, flanks, anorexia, fever, bleeding from nose.
Triphala Churnam:
It effectively regulates the functions of the digestive system, while enhancing the strength of the immune system, lungs, urinary tract, and the muscles.
Trikatu Churnam:
It is stimulative in nature, good for liver, spleen and pancreas, stimulates stomach to produce enzymes. Hence it helps indigestion. It is also good for respiratory system.
Talisadi Churnam:
Cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating, anaemia, spleen diseases.
Vyshwanara Churnam:
Rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, abdominal pain and bloating.
Note: Above mentioned are only for general reference; consult the doctor for detailed accurate treatment.
Amritaprasha Gritham:
Burning sensation, fever, bleeding disorders, cough, asthma, weakness and gynaecological diseases.
Bramhi Gritham:
Improves learning skills, intelligence, memory, speech. It is also used in the treatment of skin diseases, epilepsy and female infertility.
Dadimadi Gritham:
Heart diseases, anemia, piles, spleen diseases, cough and asthma.
Maha Kalyanaka Gritham:
Cough, anaemia, epilepsy, psychosis, schizophrenia, infertility, inflammatory conditions, fever, lack of memory etc.
Maha thiktakam Gritham:
Skin diseases, carbuncles, burning sensation, dizziness, itching, anemia, vomiting, non healing wound, wound with pus, sinus, abscess, blisters, inflammation, psychosis, heart diseases, eye diseases, malabsorption syndrome, leucoderma, jaundice, fistula, leucorrhea, piles.
Female infertility, it is also advised for pregnant mothers and for children.
Saraswatha Gritham:
Speech delay, speaking difficulties, low intelligence and low digestion power in children.
Sukumara Gritham:
Lower abdominal pain in women, abscess, haemorrhoids, menstrual pain, inflammation, constipation.
Note: Above mentioned are only for general reference; consult the doctor for detailed accurate treatment.
Aragwadhadi Kashayam:
Useful in skin disorders, fever, vomiting, etc. Externally used to clean the wounds.
Ashtavargam Kashayam:
Cervical Spondylosis, hypertension, flatulence, lumbago, sciatica.
Chiruvilwadi Kashayam:
Flatulence, piles and fistula.
Dashamoolam Kashayam:
To reduce pain & inflammation, cough, asthma.
Dhanadanayanadi Kashayam:
Facial paralysis, Epilepsy, infarction, trigeminal neuralgia, rheumatic complaints and tremour.
Dasamoolakatutrayam Kashayam
Asthma, bronchitis, Cough and related chest pain. It has anti-inflammatory and broncho-dilatory effect.
Dhanwantaram Kashayam
Post natal care of mother and in gynecological diseases. It is also effective against Vata diseases, low back ache. It is a good uterine tonic.
Guluchyadi Kashayam:
It is used in the treatment of fever of various etiology,associated with burning sensation, excessive salivation, thirst, vomiting and anorexia.
Gandharwahasthyadi Kashayam:
Used in Ayurvedic treatment of bloating. Has cleansing effect over intestines. It is useful in relieving back pain. It helps to relieve anorexia.
Kokilaksham Kashayam:
It is used in treating Rheumatoid arthritis. It is also effective in Gout and other types of arthritis. It helps to relieve joint pain, inflammation. It boosts immunity.
Maharasnadi Kashayam:
It is used in Vata disorders like Parkinson’s disease, hemiplegia, paraplegia, Neck pain, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis, bloating disease, knee pain, hip pain.
Mahamanjishtadi Kashayam:
Used in skin diseases, gout, syphilis, non healing wounds. It is also used in the treatment of obesity and hypercholesterolemia and eye diseases.
Mahathiktakam Kashayam:
Used in skin diseases, carbuncles, burning sensation, dizziness, itching, anemia, vomiting, non healing wound, wound with pus, sinus, abscess, blisters, inflammation, psychosis, heart diseases, eye diseases, malabsorption syndrome, leucoderma, jaundice, fistula, leucorrhea, piles.
Muslikhadiradi Kashayam:
Gynecological conditions like Leucorrhoea(White discharge), Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia (intermittent or excessive menstrual bleeding)
Nayopayam Kashayam:
Respiratory diseases like bronchial asthma. It also relieves hiccups.
Nimbadi Kashayam:
Acts as a good antimicrobial agent. In skin infections, allergies, etc.
Pathyakshadhatryadi Kashayam:
Headaches of Pitta predominance and Migraine.
Patolakaturohinyadi Kashayam:
Skin diseases involving itching, pigmentation and burning sensation. Improves digestion power and relieves anorexia.
Prasaranyadi Kashayam:
Joint pain, musculoskeletal problems, frozen shoulder and cervical spondylosis, headache.
Punarnavadi Kashayam:
Inflammatory conditions like myxedema, ascites. respiratory conditions, cold, cough, anemia and abdominal pain.
Rasonadi Kashayam:
Bloating, vomiting, nausea and respiratory conditions due to Vata imbalance.
Rasnasapthakam Kashayam:
Pain in the hip, low back and legs.
Rasnaerandadi Kashayam:
Gouty arthritis and other inflammatory conditions of joints like rheumatoid arthritis.
Sahacharadi Kashayam:
Sciatica and back pain, all types of nervous weakness and rigidity.
Sapthasaram Kashayam:
Indigestion, constipation, abdominal pain, low back pain, gas trouble and splenomegaly. Also useful in menstrual disorders.
Sukumaram Kashayam
Useful in hernia, constipation, menstrual disorders Amenorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea.
Varanadi Kashayam
Obesity, Internal abscess, Appendicitis, Headache
Note: Above mentioned are only for general reference; consult the doctor for detailed accurate treatment.
Agasthyaharitaki Rasayanam:
Acute and chronic respiratory disorders, Dry cough.
Ashwagandhadi Lehyam:
Boosts immunity and in cases of emaciation.
Strengthen respiratory and gastro-intestinal systems, Boosts immunity.
Dasamoola Rasayanam:
Chronic respiratory conditions like bronchitis, asthma, chronic fever flatulence, bloating and hiccups.
Manibhadram Lehyam:
Skin diseases like leukoderma, bronchitis, cough, piles, intestinal worms, spleen related diseases.
Narasimha Rasayanam:
Improves hair growth, helps gain weight, boosts immunity.
Shatavari Gulam:
PCOS, Ayurvedic medicine for menstrual pain, irregular menstrual cycles, heavy menstrual bleeding and lactation.
Trivrith Lehyam:
Relieves constipation and is good for heart.
Vilwadi Lehyam:
Nausea, vomiting, low digestion power, anorexia.
Note: Above mentioned are only for general reference; consult the doctor for detailed accurate treatment.
Anu Thailam:
Headache, hair fall, premature graying of hair, Strengthens ears, eyes, nose, tongue and throat.
Asanaeladi Thailam:
Headache, ear and eye diseases. It is also useful in skin diseases.
Balashwagandhadi Thailam:
Headache, fever, emaciation, muscle wasting, lack of strength in joints, muscles and bones.
Chemparuthyadi Keram:
Eczema, scabies, and pruritis. It is also used to apply over head to relieve scalp itchiness and dandruff.
Chinchadi Thailam:
Arthritis, paralysis and such other neurological conditions.
Dhanwantaram Thailam
Rheumatoid arthritis, osteo-arthritis, neck and back pain, neuritis, Neuralgia, paralysis, facial palsy, etc.
Dhurdoorapatradi Thailam:
Itchy scalp, dandruff and hair fall, improves the scalp skin health and strengthens the hair root.
Eladi Thailam:
Allergic dermatitis, ring worm infection, urticaria and scabies. Improve skin complexion and texture.
Gandha Thailam:
Arthritis, osteoporosis, Fracture, dislocation, improve strength of bones, joints and ligaments.
Karpasasthyadi Thailam:
Neuro-muscular conditions like hemiplegia, paraplegia, facial palsy, spondylosis etc.
Kottamchukadi Thailam
Arthritis, Sciatica, myalgia, spondylosis, etc.
Karpooradi Thailam:
Muscular pain, rheumatoid complaints, joint pain, joint stiffness.
Ksheerabala Thailam
Arthritis, sciatica, myalgia, spondylosis, etc.
Kumkumadi Thailam:
Reduce blemishes, acne, acne scars, white and black heads, dark circle, sun tan, wrinkles and improves skin complexion.
Mahamasha Thailam:
Rheumatoid and osteo arthritis, headache and migraine. Lumbar and cervical spondylosis.
Marichadi Thailam:
Skin diseases like dermatitis and eczema.
Murivenna Oil:
Fresh wounds, old non healing wounds, pain and inflammation in fractures, sprain and arthritis.
Narayana Thailam:
Osteo arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar and cervical spondylosis, gout, etc.
Nalpamaradi Thailam:
Skin diseases like Herpes, Eczema, Dermatitis, skin allergy,etc.
Neelibringadi Thailam:
Premature greying, baldness, split hairs, hair loss, scalp itching and dandruff.
Pinda Thailam:
Gouty and rheumatoid arthritis.
Prabhanjanam Thailam:
Hernia, abdominal colic, facial palsy, backache, etc.
Sahacharadi Thailam:
Tremors, convulsions, psychosis, stiffness of thigh, muscle cramps, and muscle wasting, rhinitis and sinusitis. Also in gynaecological disorders.
Note: Above mentioned are only for general reference; consult the doctor for detailed accurate treatment.
The information provided about Ayurveda medicines are general in nature and for informative purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other healthcare professionals and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease without such proper medical advice.
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