Naturopathy is the most ancient health care mechanism that amalgamates modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. Relying on the healing power of nature, Naturopathy system that stresses upon the body’s self-healing mechanism by stimulating the human body’s ability to heal itself.
Treatment in Naturopathy is based on the concept of Panchamahabhutas – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether which form the basic constituents of the body. These elements are used to revitalize and rejuvenate the body and strengthen the immune system against disease-causing agents in and around us.
The Panchamahabhuta theory is present in the YAJUR VEDA [5000BC], in seventh, eighth, ninth chapter of titreya section of titreya division of Krishna Yajur Veda that constitutes titreya Upanishad.
All things on earth are formed by Panchamahabhutas. These Mahabhutas are found in nature as well as in the human body. The entire body contains about 100 trillion cells. Every single living cell is a unique combination of these five elements.
- The earth element gives structure to the cell.
- The water element is present in the cytoplasm, or the liquid within the cell.
- The metabolic processes being carried out in the cell symbolize the fire.
- The gaseous exchange taking place symbolizes air.
- The space occupied by the cell symbolizes the space or ether (The pores through which nutrition reaches the cell and the waste metabolic products are excreted out).
- Yoga helps in increasing the metabolism , helps in losing weight and toning the body.
- Yoga improves quality of life
The cell works with a combination of these five elements and any imbalance in these five great elements leads to deposition of toxins what we call accumulation of morbid matter. This leads to abnormal composition of blood and lymph, which reduces the vitality and allows germs to grow, causing disease.
The balance in five great elements gives health, and imbalance gives rise to disease. So in disease conditions treatment should be given through these five great elements to restore the health. This type of treatment is called Panchabhouthic treatment or naturopathic treatment.
Why Naturopathy
- Dietary and lifestyle changes
- Acupuncture
- Hydrotherapy
- Yoga therapy
- Exercise therapy
Naturopathy always advocates the importance of own health, minimizing symptoms of illness, balancing the entire human mechanism, and supporting the body’s own ability to heal. This treatment offers benefits to prevent disease and maintain a long term optimal health.
Naturopathy forms the least invasive and least toxic treatments that aid in boosting overall well-being. It enforces nature’s healing power to revert the symptoms of many diseases
There are 6 principles that govern the principles of naturopathy and its importance in one’s life:
1. Do no harm
2. The healing power of nature
3. Identify and treat the cause
4. Doctor as Teacher
Learning about our own body, the healing process and how to approach the issues you are facing from your doctor is essential. Thomas Edison, an American inventor, wrote, “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
‘Docere’ or Doctor comes from the Latin word that means ‘to teach’. The role of a naturopathic doctor is to teach his patients to treat themselves. The doctor studies and tells his patient how he can maintain a healthy lifestyle with good food, exercise, spiritual well-being, environment, relationships, posture, hygiene, and sleep.
5. Treat the whole person
Western medicine aims to cure a specific disease or an affected body part. Each person is unique and has a unique set of factors contributing to the disease that has erupted. Diseases affect us through a complex interaction between the environment, lifestyle, and physical state. That is why naturopathic medicine factors in all these while treating a person. Moreover, it believes in treating the whole person, not a specific ailment.
6. Disease prevention
This principle aims at preventing and stopping the disease from evolving further. Rules for lifestyle and hygiene are set right first. Parts of this last principle is a continuous process:
• It starts at conception and continues throughout all of life;
• It is maintained through the homeostatic mechanisms of the body;
• It involves every aspect of a person their lifestyle, emotional and mental health and family and community
• It takes into consideration a person’s environment and how to live in harmony with nature.
These holistic therapies will help you reduce stress, feel revitalized and provide you with the positive lifestyle habits you need to be at your optimal health.
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Diabetes mellitus
- Arthritis
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- Head ache
- Migraine
- Insomnia
- Sinusitis
- Asthma
- Digestive diseases
- Constipation
- Acidity
- Menstrual disorders
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