Rejuvenative Treatments
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A hectic stressful life requires regular relaxing therapies to bring back the hormony and equilibrium. Keva Ayurveda offers a wide range of rejuvinative therapies like Abhyangam, Shirodharam, Pizhichil, etc which have deep roots in Ayurveda. Below you will find the therapies available at Keva Ayurveda, with brief information about each of them, helping you decide on which would suit you the best.

Akshi Sekam
- Improves vision
- Calms mind.
- Nourish and Strengthens the muscles of eyes
- Reduces dryness of eyes

Abhyangam and swedam
- Improves blood circulation of the whole body
- Mobilizes all the joints, relieves stiffness and pain
- Protects the system by removing all the toxins from body

Basthi (Colon Therapy)
- Most effective in Vata disorders likes sciatica, lumbar spondylitis, constipation, arthritis and many more
- Increases colonic peristalsis, producing rapid elimination of the feces.

Choorna Swedam
- Indicated in acute inflammatory conditions, restricted movements.
- Reduce pain and swelling
- Helps reduce fluid retention, cellulite and promotes circulation

Greeva Basthi (For neck pain)
- Relieves pain, stiffness, inflammation in the neck, shoulders and arms
- Strengthens cervical spine and shoulders
- Alleviates associated conditions like headache and dizziness

Janu vasthi
- Protects knee joints from degenerative changes
- Improves mobility of knee joints, relieves pain
- Helps in Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis

Kati Basti
- Strengthens back muscles that help maintain the normal curvature of the spine
- Beneficial in any kind of back pain and spinal disorders
- Alleviates numbness due to sciatic nerve compression

- Helps relieve headache due to stress, anxiety,etc
- Gives instant Improves sleepleaving the skin soft and supple.
- Effective in certain kind of arthritis
- Lubricates all the joints relieving pain and stiffness

- Improves memory and vision
- Beneficial in rhinitis, nasal allergies, sinusitis, migraine
- Strengthen cervical spine
- Helps in recovering loss of taste and smell

Netra Tarpanam
- Improves vision
- Rejuvenates eyes
- Helps in dryness, burning sensation of eyes
- Strengthens nerves and muscles of eyes

Najavarakizhi / Navaralepam
- Improves blood circulation of entire body.
- Prevents degeneration of muscles and bones.
- Helps nourish the tissues, improves skin tone and imparts longevity.

- Improves blood circulation
- Improves vision.
- Calms mind.
- Helps in insomnia, wards off fatigue.

Patrapotala swedam
- Helps reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness of the muscles.
- Strengthens the tissues
- Induces sleep and reduces the stress.

Pichu (for pain relief)
- Shiropichu-Useful in stiffness of head, neck and shoulders
- Yoni Pichu-Useful in vaginal infections, strengthens, nourishes uterine muscles
- Pichu for Spine-helpful in treatment Spondylitis etc

- Alleviates anxiety, stress, insomnia, stress and depression
- Tones and rejuvenates skin
- Extremely beneficial for arthritis, paralysis and rheumatic diseases.
- Nourishes muscles and bones by improving blood circulation.

- Relaxes mind
- Reduce Hair fall and dandruff
- Improves memory
- Beneficial in Anxiety, stress, depression,etc

- Helps control Hair fall and dandruff
- Prevents premature graying of hair
- Relieves stress and improves sleep

- Improves sleep
- Effective in stress, anxiety, depression
- Reduces Hair fall and dandruff promoting hair growth

- Enhances sleep
- Refreshes mind, revitalizes central nervous system, hence this helps in treating Diabetic neuropathy, paralysis, etc.
- Prevents Skin diseases and dandruff

- Stabilizes nervous system
- Helps control hair fall
- Balances Pitta dosha
- Activates Marma (vital points)

Udwartana (for weight loss)
- Helps stimulate hair follicles and subcutaneous fat tissue to break down subcutaneous fat storage
- Reduce blood cholesterol, obesity
- Exfoliates dead cells and rejuvenates skin
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