World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well being and not merely an absence of disease. Being used to the modern way of life, we not only fail to achieve this state of complete health, we also suffer from various ailments at different levels which are usually presented at different stages. The root cause remains untreated and the disease reoccurs in same or different form which needs to be eradicated.
Yoga – the word is derived from Sanskrith meaning ‘ To Unite ’ Yoga is a path to upgrade an individual by emphasizing on physical, mental, emotional, intellectual growth of an individual.
Yoga as therapy, when practiced regularly, cures as well as prevents disorders caused due to imbalance in life energy, mental or emotional and physical levels. Aasana (physical postures),kriya (cleansing process), praanaayaama (regulation of praaNa, the life energy), dhaarana&dhyaana (culturing of mind) are studied scientifically and their positive effects on our body and mind are used for therapeutic purpose. These practices are selected specifically for each disorder to form a customized treatment schedule.
Benefits of Yoga
- Yoga improves Immunity.
- Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.
- Yoga helps with aches and pain.
- Yoga decreases stress levels, increases energy and mood.
- Yoga improves blood flow which in turn helps in nourishing skin and hair.
- Yoga helps in increasing the metabolism , helps in losing weight and toning the body.
- Yoga improves quality of life

Yoga Class Details

Therapeutic Yoga
30-45 Mins / Day
- Rs. 4000 / Month / Alternate Days
- Rs.2500 / Month / Weekly Twice
General Yoga
30-45 Mins / Day
- Rs. 2500 / Month / Weekly 5 Days
- Rs. 1500 / Month / Weekly Twice

- Therapeutic Yoga - Customised Yoga classes for Arthritis, PCOD, Thyroid, Back Pain, Obesity, Diabetes , Hypertension , Thyroid Disorders, Infertility , Insomnia and Stress - Classes will be designed by our Yoga Expert.
- Yoga Classes will happen at Keva Ayurveda, BTM branch only
- Limited Yoga classes appointments only
- Prior Appointments / Consultation is mandatory with our Doctor is mandatory.
- Yoga Classes will be conducted by
BNYS – SDM, Ujire
Yoga & Naturopathy Consultant
General Guidelines for Yoga
Before YOGA :
- Drinking 1 or 2 Glasses of water before starting yoga practice is advised and to be done on empty stomach.
- Bladder and bowels should be empty before starting Yoga.
- Yoga mat or folded blanket should be used while performing Yoga.
- Light and Comfortable Cotton clothes are preferred to facilitate easy movement of the body.
- Yoga should not be performed in State of exhaustion, illness or in a hurry.
- A Physician or a Yoga therapist Should be consulted prior to Performing Yogic practice, In case of chronic disease / Pain / cardiac problems.
During YOGA :
- Practice sessions will start with a prayer or invocation as it creates a Conducive environment to relax the mind.
- Yoga should be performed slowly, in a relaxed manner, with awareness of the body and breath.
- Do not hold the breath unless it is specially mentioned during the practice.
- Breathing should be always through the nostrils unless instructed otherwise.
- Do not hold body tightly or jerk the body at any point of time.
- It takes some time to get good results, so persistent and regular practice is very essential.
- There are contra indications / limitations for each yoga practice. Hence it is advised to practice under a trained instructor.
- Yoga session should end with Meditation / Deep silence / Shanti patha.
After YOGA :
- Take bath after 20-30 minutes of yoga practice.
- Consume food only after 30-40 minutes of practice.
Start your Yoga journey today
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